A few things that I had ordered online a while ago had arrived in the mail recently and boy, was I happy! Also, I'm sorry if I have been unresponsive for a while, it's because I have exams ongoing for the next three weeks and I've been studying a lot so I don't think I'll have time to post, but after november the 7th, when all my year 11 and year 12 subject exams are over, I will be posting more!
Real Techniques Core Collection
I have had my eyes on Real Techniques brushes for ages but I just couldn't be bothered going online and ordering them (I know that sounds totally stupid). I recently just went for it and bought the Core Collection. To be honest, I only really wanted the Buffing Brush but I do enjoy the other brushes too! A first impressions post will be coming soon. Also, I know they are sold in Priceline but they are super overpriced, I bought mine off iherb.com and it was still cheaper including shipping!
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel
I have been using the Moisturising Lotion for ages but I can only use that in the cooler months of the year when my skin is combination dry, but with spring coming in and me finishing my Bobbi Brown Hydrating Gel Cream, I wanted to get a moisturiser for when my skin is combination oily and I didn't want to buy the Bobbi Brown one because I wanted to try a cheaper alternative. I actually bought this off sasa.com because it's a lot cheaper and combined with some stuff my Mum bought, we could get free shipping!