I am incredibly sorry, you guys have no idea. I feel so ashamed that I haven't posted anything in so long but it is because school has been terribly hectic, we all rarely get breaks. I am also ashamed to say that posts probably won't be coming too soon because school continues to throw stuff at us.
Also, I have tons of looks and ideas I've made but I never get a chance to take the photos. I kind of want to film it and put videos on here, I just don't want to use Youtube though because there are WAY too many people viewing it. Although it is much easier.
Sorry about that brief ponderment, but anyway, I'm actually going away these coming holidays to America on a Music Tour which shall be awesome!! We are all super excited, and I might get a chance to buy WAY cheaper makeup.
So sorry about the huge gap, I feel deeply sorry and I'll try and get back to you all as quick as I can, which will probably be in a month or so, but I feel so bad about it and maybe away I can try and take some photos while I do my makeup or something.
See ya!
we are glad u r back :)))